
What Will Your Social Security Cut Look Like?

Where the hell did all my money go? Oh, my car ate it!

Whether you are a Baby Boomer or Gen-X, Social security is in your crosshairs right now or it will be in the next 10 years (trust me on that). The good news is that Social Security in some or fashion is going to remain in place. The bad news — Social Security’s trustees keep rolling the date closer that the Social Security trust will be depleted. And you know the media will try to blame President Trump and Republicans when this occurs. The fact is that this discussion of Social Security being depleted has been in discussion since the 1980s.
Now for the real bad news. Social Security cuts will have to be seen if taxes are not raised or if the eligibility requirements and criteria are altered.
Tactical Bulls has a harsh reminder for all of its readers that is part of its mantra. If your sole plan is to have the government take care of you in the future, you probably won’t like how they take care of you.
Of the millions of boomers who retire each year (and the Gen-X crowd set to retire in the 2030’s), Social Security is the expected to be the top or he second highest post-retirement income source to cover expenses. There are millions of Americans who rely solely on Social Security to cover their daily living expenses, even if secondary income streams are available.
Social Security is facing an even earlier shortfall in 2034 rather than the 2024 estimate of 2035. There are a growing number of recipients each year and fewer workers ae paying taxes into Social Security at the present time. And the COLA (cost of living adjustment) has also increased the annual payout by a sharp 23% in just the last 4-year period inflation. That’s roughly the same cumulative COLA increase covering the entire years from the global financial crisis (2008) to 2019 (pre-Covid).
Without higher taxes, without further delays on the ages to begin collecting Social Security, or without altering the benefits, when the trust is depleted it will create a new level of benefits that are approximately 80% of current coverage.
Over 72.5 million Americans collect Social Security retirement benefits. The 2025 increase was roughly $50 per month on average for 2025. Many Social Security recipients have raised hell about Social Security not going as far as it used to on health care costs and groceries. The cost of rents have also gone up handily, as have issues like home and auto insurance.
For those of us who will hit retirement age in the 2030s, it’s almost a near certainty that we should expect less than what the available Social Security calculators tell us we are due to receive.
And to make matters worse, the government’s debt servicing costs for interest on Treasuries and governmental debt has already crossed the $1 trillion mark and is set to keep rising.

Categories: Economy, Personal Finance